
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open

Introduction: what is the height and weight of one and a half? 1 year old and a half of the practice of the public diet, one and a half child's height and weight standards is what? At the age of one and a half, the height and weight of male and female children are different, but also vary from person to person. The following is a small series of the Eastern women's network to treasure the parents brought about a year and a half recipes practice, fast together to understand the next bar.
What is the height and weight of a half year old baby
One year old half boy height standard is 77.1-89.5 cm; weight standard is 9.2-14.1 kg.
One year old half female baby height standard is 75.7-88.1 cm; weight standard is 8.6-13.3 kg.
At one and a half years old, male and female children's height and weight standards are different, but also vary from person to person, mom and dad can refer to the baby's growth and development indicators, to determine whether the baby is in the normal range.
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open
How to do the child's height:
1, healthy diet, do not blindly rely on health care products. The role of health care products are there, but can not rely on it, have to see how to eat. Each child's situation is not the same, they should complement what parents can not own easily judge, do not fall into place for children to eat what. The daily diet, children should eat cereal, eat egg, meat and other foods rich in quality protein, soybean, fish, green vegetables and other calcium food supply to ensure the daily diet, to supplement calcium, increase bone hardness. Don't let the children touch the fruit of season, not to abuse of royal jelly and other food, fried food easily lead to precocious puberty, resulting in final height lower than the genetic height.
2, more attention to sleep exercise. The sleeping state, every night 10 - 12 and about 5 in the morning, is the peak of growth hormone secretion, so children should be at 9 in the evening before going to sleep, get up at 6:30 in the morning or after 7:00, in order to ensure better growth hormone secretion. Physical exercise should pull the horizontal bar, rope skipping, basketball longitudinal motion, all contribute to the child's body grow taller.
3, let the children keep good mood. If the child is in a state of depression for a long time, it is difficult to get the release of growth hormone in this negative state, growth hormone secretion is slow, it is possible to cause the child is short. In a healthy state of mind can not be short of a good mood.
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open
1 and a half years old baby Recipes: tofu fish head soup
Material: 1 silver carp head, tofu 50 grams, cooking wine 2 spoon, green onion and ginger 1 spoon, large amount of soybean oil, a little salt.
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open
1, silver carp head to the gills, wash, cut into 4 pieces of tofu washed, cut into small pieces.
2, from the pan into the onion ginger until fragrant, add wine into the fish, stir fry, add appropriate amount of water and tofu, plus the lid, after the fire to boil a small fire, and simmer for 15 minutes, add salt.
Easy to do when the baby to eat to the attention of the fishbone card throat removed and clean, lest.
Warm tip: rich in plant protein rich in collagen and tofu fish head, can complement nutrition; less methionine content in tofu, fish and food in this amino acid content is very rich, relatively less and phenylalanine, higher content of tofu, which they can learn from each other; in addition, tofu calcium more, and fish contains vitamin D, both eat, can play a joint role of nutrients, the body's calcium absorption rate many times. Eat fish tofu soup, can let the baby brain Yangxin, added strength, improve flexibility and adaptability.
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open
1 year old half baby recipe: Chicken Soup
Material: chicken breast 50 grams, 30 grams of tofu, corn 20 grams, onion 5 grams, 100 grams of vegetable soup, a little salt
What is the height of one half of a year old baby weight? 1 years old and a half of the practice of the public recipes open
1, minced chicken breast, and corn grain with boiled soup.
2, add tofu mashed, boiled in soup, add green onion and salt can be.

