
At home can thin stomach! 6 yoga weight-loss small action all buttoned

Therefore, to create a devil-like figure, thin waist abdomen has become a lot of MM nowadays long-term (http://www.likenews.us/). MM long-term weight loss, Goal. So, in the face of this long-term project, how can we quickly achieve the desired effect? ​​Today, the Oriental women's network Xiaobian for everyone with a few simple and easy yoga weight loss, insist on doing every day, Abdominal absolutely just around the corner Oh!
At home can thin stomach! 6 yoga weight-loss small action all buttoned
Lateral posture
1, erect, right leg forward a big step forward, left foot turned 45 degrees, so that the right knee and right foot toe in a horizontal line, try to press down the body, so that the right thigh and the ground parallel.
At home can thin stomach! 6 yoga weight-loss small action all buttoned
2, bending the body, the right hand on the back of the right foot, shore ground. When you try to stretch the left arm, still keep the right thigh and the ground parallel. Try to stretch your arms, do not hump, so as to expand the chest.
Efficacy: reshape the muscles of the waist line, strong digestion, absorption system, can inhibit the accumulation of fat in the waist.
At home can thin stomach! 6 yoga weight-loss small action all buttoned
Spine twist
Left elbow in the left knee outside the left arm from the back of the wound in the left knee on the left side of the ground; left elbow in the left knee outside the left arm in the back; Right lumbar; inhale, spine up straight; breath, full reverse to the left rear. Inhale, return to the middle; breath, release the limbs. Contrary to the same reason.
Efficacy: massage all internal organs, can regulate endocrine and digestive system normal, improve the body fat accumulation phenomenon.

