
reastfeeding notes breast feeding tips for 6 tips!

Article profile: Breastfeeding Notes 6 tips for breastfeeding mothers who notice! Breastfeeding, refers to the use of mother's milk feeding their children. Milk is rich in nutrients, is the best choice of the infants, but some mothers always encounter many problems in breastfeeding your baby, then quickly with Oriental women network together to understand the matters needing attention under the breastfeeding.
The food safety problem today, many parents insist on breastfeeding your baby, but in breast-feeding baby we also encountered a lot of problems, such as the baby breast milk, milk shortage phenomenon to the. Here for the mother to introduce the successful feeding skills, so that every child can eat breast milk.
Tip 1: you're going to be comfortable.
Choose a comfortable chair with an arm, and a pillow to support your back and arms. Most sofas do not provide enough support, so that you can comfortably feed, so you have to rely on the help of the pillow.
You can at the foot of a couple of pillows, in order to avoid the body tilt to the baby, also can put your foot on the stool, coffee table or a pile of books. Put a pillow or a folded blanket on your lap. You don't have to bend over. No matter which position you use to feed, you must hold the baby to your breasts, rather than with the breast to enough baby.
Breast feeding tips 2: care of the breast.
Your breasts will become bigger and heavier during breast feeding. So, you can use the free hand to C when feeding (4 fingers of care in the breast below, at about 9 o'clock clockwise position, the thumb on the 3 o'clock position) or V (the breast in separate forefinger and middle finger) to hold the breast.
Tip: the fingers should be at least 5 cm distance of the nipple and areola, in order to avoid the baby to bite your finger.
Breastfeeding notes breast feeding tips for 6 tips!
Breast feeding tips 3: support a good baby.
Let the baby feel safe and comfortable, helps him more pleasant nurse efficiently. Use an arm, a pillow or a folded blanket to support your baby's head, neck, back and hips to keep them on the same line. You can wrap the baby up, or put his arms gently on both sides of the body, so that you can more easily feed the baby.
Breast feeding Tips 4: often changing posture.
Try different feeding positions, help to find you feel the most comfortable position.
Many mothers find the best way to avoid clogging of the Milky way is to change the feeding position regularly. Because each position can make the different part of the nipple bear the pressure, it may also help you avoid the nipple pain.
Tip: take turns with different breast feeding, your milk will be greatly increased.
Breastfeeding notes breast feeding tips for 6 tips!
Breast feeding tips 5: first relax, and then feeding.
Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and meditate on some quiet pictures. To put a large glass of water, milk or fruit juice at hand, ready to drink at the time of feeding. Don't forget, add enough water to help you secrete more milk.
Breastfeeding tips 6: the right to make the baby stop sucking.
The ideal state is that when the baby after eating one or two of the milk in the breast, he can know whether they are satisfied, and take the initiative to loose your mouth from your nipple.
If you need to change the baby's posture, let him eat another breast, or for some reason need to stop feeding, can put the finger into the baby's mouth, when the baby's mouth issued a faint "pa", showed that he stopped feeding, then you can take him open.
Breastfeeding notes breast feeding tips for 6 tips!
Three misunderstandings of breast feeding
A misunderstanding: the postpartum two days before the milk a little less, or to add a little baby milk powder, lest the hungry baby milk, etc. after breastfeeding well again
The human body has a wonderful wonderful words, the scientific verification, in the mother gave birth to the child that a few days later, the milk and the baby's stomach is required to make a similar stomach. The first day of the birth of the baby, Mommy is not much milk, but the baby's stomach capacity is small, only need a little bit of milk a day will be able to meet the energy, so the beginning do not need to worry about the baby milk enough.
If you start to add milk, eat baby milk powder, milk will eat less, and because the teat, the milk outlet hole, baby nonstrenuous can eat milk, slowly the child will not want to suck the mother's nipple, this kind of words that will make the breast due to lack of sufficient and effective stimulation and affect lactation function normal, resulting in breastfeeding and subsequent problems, the following difficulties, milk milk bulge, baby nipple etc..
Breastfeeding notes breast feeding tips for 6 tips!
Misunderstanding two: will start feeding the milk squeezed out, or feed while on this side, and for the other side

