
5-style yoga weight loss action easy to learn the effect of praise

Not all yoga can help lose weight Oh, yoga is also very particular about, is divided into many species, in order to yoga through yoga, yoga, weight loss, weight loss, To lose weight, then the choice of yoga is very important to improve the strength of some training more effective, but also help you burn fat, then the following fast to follow the female network with the East Xiaobian look at it, for everyone to share 5-style yoga, easy to get rid of fat.
5-style yoga weight loss action easy to learn the effect of praise
Stretching yoga
Legs separate the length of one leg, toes forward. The right foot outward turn 90 degrees, left foot toward the front, right heel and left foot soles of the feet into a straight line. Inspiratory arm open to both sides of the stretch, expiratory body to the right side of the elongated, right hand on the right calf tibia, the left hand to the top of the stretch. Keep the body and legs in a flat, you can turn around and look to the top of the finger. Maintain 5 breaths, inhale back, switch to opposite direction.
Can be flexible hip to eliminate the fat outside the hip, stretching the lower limb muscles, stretching the spine, neck training, facial skin is also very useful.
5-style yoga weight loss action easy to learn the effect of praise
Balanced style
Feet close to the mountain-style standing, his right foot raised in the left thigh medial roots, knee open to the outside, his hands clasped in the chest, breathing arms stretch up, arms near the ear, keep five breathing, and then put down his hands, exchange direction. Can be strong legs, slender thighs, but also can open the stiff hip, training focus.
5-style yoga weight loss action easy to learn the effect of praise
Under the dog
Under the dog is similar to a semi-inverted style, if you can not do the exercises upside down, you can use the next dog-type instead. Bend knee knees, hands forward support. Separate the palm of your hand down to keep the index finger in front of the palm of the inside to completely compaction of the ground. Breathing lift the knee, shoulder and pushed back until the arm and trunk into a line, legs straight, heel down step, hips as far as possible elevation. If the shoulder is very stiff, or too tight on the back of the thigh, resulting in a lot of back arch, you can raise the heel, bend the knee, so that the spine fully elongated, and then slowly straighten the knee, Keep five breathing, exhale knee bent floor, hip sit back to the heel, leaning forward in the baby-style rest.
Under the dog-type benefits are many, stretching the shoulders, thighs, arm and lower limb muscle strength, tighten the core, including the inverted body to bring most of the benefits, is a very good body exercise. If you do not have time to practice yoga, may wish to practice a dog-style, keep a few breathing, you can also play a good physical exercise.

